2017 Articles on ChaneyEnterprises.com

  • December 29, 2017: New Concrete Plant In Bealeton, Virginia
  • Chaney acquired a ready-mix concrete plant in Bealeton, Virginia from Lehigh Hanson to increase production capabilities to the growing number of customers in Virginia. 

  • September 18, 2017: Ten Tips for Controlling Cracks
  • There are three truths in life… death, taxes, and concrete will absolutely crack.  Joints are there to make sure we have control of where those cracks happen. 

  • September 18, 2017: Chaney Enterprises Now Offering Limestone Via Rail
  • Chaney Enterprises announced it will now offer limestone to its customers, transported by a new railway just completed at the company’s plant in Waldorf.

  • August 21, 2017: Chaney President Earns Spot on The Daily Record’s VIP List
  • Chaney Enterprises announced President Francis “Hall” Chaney III was named to The Daily Record’s 2017 Very Important Professionals (VIP) List.

  • August 21, 2017: Thermal Mass Effect of an ICF Wall
  • How long does it take for the heat to turn on when an ICF wall is exposed to a frigid 31°F? Two hours? Three hours?

  • July 25, 2017: MD Science Center Pervious Concrete Parking Lot - Case Study
  • Maryland’s premier science education venue in the heart of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor showcases this reliable, green infrastructure technology: pervious concrete.

  • July 11, 2017: Chaney Embodies Workplace Quality with Ninth Consecutive Excellence Award
  • Chaney Enterprises announced it has won its ninth consecutive Alliance for Workplace Excellence (AWE) Seal of Approval award for its commitment to supporting employees and their communities.

  • May 31, 2017: Save the Day with the Super Sac
  • The Super Sac is the answer for when you need a smaller amount of concrete sand or mason sand delivered to a job.

  • May 11, 2017: Proper Jointing Tips
  • There are three truths in life… death, taxes, and concrete will crack. Joints are there to make sure we have control of where those cracks will occur.

  • May 11, 2017: Save $, Use Reusable Forms
  • Plastic concrete forms are a lightweight alternative to traditional wood forming and are simple to set, strip, and transport saving you time and money.

  • May 11, 2017: Eastern Shore Boasts First Multi-Use, Multi-Story ICF Structure
  • Eastern Bay Management Corporation is creating the first multi-story, multi-use insulated concrete form (ICF) commercial building on the Eastern Shore called the Chesapeake Village Center.

  • April 14, 2017: Chaney Aggregates Team Wins MTBMA Safety Awards
  • Chaney announced that two members of its aggregates team were recognized for their superior safety and accident-free performances.

  • April 3, 2017: Roads Earn a Rough D+
  • Two years ago, we asked “Are You Driving Over or Under a Structurally Compromised Bridge?” The answer was an alarming “Yes.”

  • April 3, 2017: Bill Childs Honored With Top Two Industry Awards  
  • Bill Childs was recently recognized by the NRMCA with two of the industry’s top awards - - the NRMCA “Chairman’s Award” and the national “Building Promoter of the Year” award. 

  • April 3, 2017: Framing Lumber Prices Skyrocket in 2017
  • With lumber prices on the rise, alternatives are looking a whole lot more attractive.  Since the start of 2017, the price of framing lumber has risen 15%. 

  • March 1, 2017: Unique Uses for Gabions
  • From retaining walls to pillars or ponds, gabions filled with your choice of aggregates can be a stunning unique solution for your client’s outdoor creations.

  • March 1, 2017: Green Building Scores Big in Mid-Atlantic
  • Maryland, Virginia, and DC were listed in the Top 10 States for LEED building projects by the USGBC. No other building material contributes more points towards LEED than concrete.

  • January 18, 2017: Simple Steps to Laying a Gravel Driveway
  • Follow these simple steps on how to prepare, calculate, and compact a pea gravel driveway for your customers that will last for years.  

  • January 18, 2017: Tallest Tilt-up Concrete Building in Maryland
  • If you happen to drive on I-97 past the exit for Benfield Blvd, you can’t help but notice a tall concrete structure on the west side of the interstate or the tallest tilt-up structure in Maryland.