Date: October 13, 1999

News - William M. Jones Wins Truck Driver of the Month Award

William Jones, Chaney Enterprises dump driver was recently recognized at the annual Maryland Motor Truck Association (MMTA) truck driver of the month/year banquet as being the outstanding truck driver of the month, for the month of May. This award was presented to him for his outstanding performance in the MMTA’s Maryland Safe Truck Driving Championships held at Maryland State Fair Grounds in May.

The exceptional performance he demonstrated in the nine different categories justified his nomination for this impressive award. Mr. Jones had perfect scores in each category, which consisted of a Personal Interview, a Written Examination, (which included information on the trucking industry, safety driving rules, first aid, and fire fighting), and a rigorous driving course containing numerous challenges.

MMTA strives to maintain the highest business principles and standards while confirming adherence to environmental and safety standards. These efforts are apparent in the drivers that participated in this competition, as they are the elite of Maryland’s trucking companies.

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